If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, August 15, 2010

banana boxes, bubble wrap, and life lessons.....

I think, at times, that the life lessons that mean the most come from the most unexpected places, at the most unprepared moments. This weekend, amidst the hauling and lugging, pulling and pushing, the cleaning and organizing, money spent and time sacrificed..behind a stack of banana boxes and bubble wrap I was reminded of a few lessons.

First, I was reminded that family isn't defined by blood lines. Family are those people in your world who seek to know your real heart. They are the people who are cheering the loudest...even when you are in last place. It is these people who count it pure joy to walk through life with you--the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Second, I was reminded that family is the first place we learn true humility. Where else are we given the pleasure of living amongst assumptions, misunderstandings, and opinions and then given the challenge of loving the person in return?

Third, I was reminded that every person has their own process in life. It is a continual challenge for me to remember that processes are often slow and painful, rarely immediate, and subject to change per individual.

Finally, I was reminded that when it comes to family...I am richly blessed. I am proud of where I have come from. I watched this weekend as friends and family alike gathered to do a less than desirable chore and I found myself taken by the amount of blessings surrounding me. Laughter, sweat, a few tears, and hard work...all for what? Because one of ours needed help. Yes, I can say I am proud of where I come from. And looking ahead to the family I became a part of when I married...I am proud of where I am going.

These people that I am proud to call family (no blood line required)--they are extensions of God's heart in my world. They challenge me, make me laugh, make me cry, and I know from experience...when life crashes in on us and it gets too hard to walk...they have been known to carry us until we regain strength. These individuals expect greatness, they demand character and integrity and they only know how to love sacrificially. They have taught me that humility isn't in naming your faults--it is in giving of yourself.

Tonight, I am humbled that God would give me such an amazing blessing as these people in my life. I am overwhelmed at knowing that these people don't just love my little family...they thank God for us. I am moved to tears to know that when I lay down to sleep tonight, God has blessed me with people that are willing to walk this crazy, upside down, sometimes backwards, chaotic, always full life!

Who am I to be given such a gift?

1 comment:

  1. Leah, i love you. and your little family. the bald one took some time to like but i got used to him. I began to like him a little more when i watched a king size mattress land on his head from the second story banister.

    but i digress... your little family is the biggest blessing in my life. not only do i know that we are there for eachother... but we are there for it all. so if you ever decide to move mountains, i will be there. as long as its after 10am.... or you get me starbucks.

    i love you. and i am proud of our crazy, wild, family. even though we arent the brightest and get stuck in moving trucks and nearly pass out.

    -Dar. Dee. Dar.
