Like my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my constant, my safe spot in this world. He is an amazing partner in life and an amazing father to our girls. My two daughters fill my life and heart with a joy unspeakable..they challenge me, grow me, and force me to slow down and realize this moment is fleeting. My home...small and humble, and at times cramped...but warm and inviting, sturdy and mine. My sister who constantly reminds me of God's creativity and sense of adventure--she makes me laugh and gets my incomplete sentences and my need for Starbucks. My brother, he's always good for a common sense talk that brings back to the atmosphere. My sweet friend, she's always good for a kick in the butt if needed and a glass of Sangria...and she doesn't mind it when I totally interrupt her mid-sentence, and understands that I am a tad bit moody. My life as a student...I am blessed beyond compare to wake up every morning and pursue the life God created me to live...I am constantly challenged and encouraged by those in academics who have pushed me to grow and exceed my own expectations, for this my heart is humbled. My list goes on and and friends, opportunities and challenges alike...
My life is filled with people who love me, who look at me and see the best in me. I am humbled at the overwhelming gifts in my life...the amazing people who allow me to sit front row in their life, who allow me to play a role in their story...each of you are the greatest gifts...