If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Friday, August 27, 2010

Does ACME gadgets have online ordering?

Process is my least favorite word in the English Language. Why? Because processes are often tedious and repetitious. Life is full of processes: relationships, growing up, parenthood, pregnancy, spiritual growth, financial/business growth, health, retirement. Processes are often one step forward--two steps back, rarely are they immediate and painless. They are not ever 100% engaging, 100% of the time...often there are stagnant moments that seem like boredom. However, the truth about processes is: that one can not accomplish anything of worth without walking through some kind of process.

Ironically, my favorite word in the English Language is Impossible. I long to achieve the impossible. I dream big and without boundaries. I can't function when I am not pursuing a large dream. Yet, no one can achieve the impossible without a process. I know this, and even still, I detest the red tape procedures, personal hang ups, and unyielding trial-and-error attempts that processes require...even if I know they can lead to greatness.

I would like to blame my intolerance of life processes on my ADHD. However, I know that it is probably more nurtured by my drive to dream. I was born to dream of the unknown. I approach every opportunity with a "this is going to be the one" attitude. I probably resemble the coyote...who, driven by his hunger to capture the roadrunner, approaches every ACME gadget with a sure-fire confidence. Only to run at top speed over the nearest cliff, hanging in the air for a moment to reflect in his failure, and then plummeting.

This week has been the fullest 5 days of life. I have started the last leg of a process that I started a while ago---almost done with my degree. I have been met with opportunities like no other--and I am honored to approach them with my famous "this might be the one" attitude. I have had victories and "super-woman" moments. But I have hit walls too. The kind that don't move or crumble upon impact. The kind that require more work, more sacrifice, more persistence, more resilience, more creativity, and more prayer. And the truth is...all the extra the barricades require, right now, I am not sure I have. I want to be done with the process.

It's funny. In the joy of pursuit of the impossible, the pain of the process is what is often remembered more than the taste of the success. Is this what pushes us dreamers towards the next dream? Or is this memory what allows us to appreciate the impossible all the more? Maybe the struggle is what makes the success so sweet?

Tonight I am the coyote...researching and placing my order for the next ACME gadget. The great thing is I am ADHD and by tomorrow my interest with the wall will have faded and I will know, just know, that this plan is the one that's gonna get my impossible. I will get up and get to work. That's what us coyotes do...

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